Journey Into the Light - December 2 - Signs

"This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."  Luke 2:12

        God is a pursuer. He is not ambivalent, he is not disengaged. He is real, he is present, and he is active in the affairs of mankind. He always lets us know he is close and at work, leaving markers to point our frail hearts to his loving, sovereign plan. He knows that we get discouraged, distracted, and even deceived, and longs for us to know and trust his heart. He yearns for us to experience his passionate love and to understand that this love is the motivation for all that he does. He wants us to know what he is about and leaves signs to offer us a glimpse of himself, a taste of his goodness and glory, and insight into the purposes that he is fulfilling. God's message to us is LOVE. He is constantly sending signs of his presence, leaving marks of his love and grace, and through these drawing people to himself.
        On a quiet evening in the fields outside the small town of Bethlehem a group of men were going about their usual routine of keeping their sheep, when suddenly the sky erupted with a blinding light and the voice of an angel proclaiming to them good news of great joy. It was to these men that God chose to announce his message and offer the first glimpse of salvation, the sign given to them that the Savior had come. This would have been an amazing gift for anyone, but it was likely more significant for these particular men. These shepherds were quite possibly keepers of the sheep reserved for temple sacrifice. Their job was to watch over and care for sheep that would ultimately be sacrificed for the sins of the people. Because of this, they would have been tangibly and constantly reminded of the need for a Savior. More than likely, it was to these shepherds that the arrival of the Lamb of God was declared. The promised Savior was born, and he was going to be a Savior for all. God knew that not only would these men be blessed by the announcement, but they were the ones who would be most at ease in a stable where they would find the sign just as they were told - a baby lying in a manger. The sign confirmed the message delivered. The sign given was specifically designed for those to whom it was sent. And this is the case for us as well.
        The signs God gives to us are always oriented to the uniqueness of who we are, what we need, and our ability to see them. Signs are God's gifts to us. They are grace manifest. They are sent to underscore and affirm the message that God always sends first. They reinforce the truth, whispering confirmation to our hearts that indeed God did speak, and his word is sure. The shepherds heard the good news, saw him who was sent as the ultimate sign - the greatest Gift, and left glorifying and praising God. This Advent let's listen for the message and look for the sign that has been given - not just to the shepherds, but to all of us. Jesus. He is the message and the sign. He is Love. He is the good news for all people. He is the Savior born among us. He is Christ the Lord.