Journey Into the Light - December 22 - Do Not Fear

    " angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid
             to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.'"
                                                                             Matthew 1:20

        Living in a fallen world as we do, fear is a natural impulse. There seems to be no end to complications, obstacles and frustrations, never mind the life-changing events that drastically alter the trajectory of our lives. But while fear is a natural impulse, we are called to live supernaturally in the midst of all the change, disappointment, trials and unknowns. The angel's words to Joseph are ones we need to hear. We need assurance that we are on the right path, that we have indeed heard from God and are following the Spirit's direction. We need to be strengthened in our resolve to move out in faith, without fear, to accomplish God's purposes for us.
        Joseph, by all accounts, was a man who had intended to live a quiet, simple life until the Lord got a hold of it. We chuckle a bit when we read his story, because we are all too familiar with the storyline ourselves. We design our lives and chart our course, when suddenly God shows up with a completely different set of plans for us. Sometimes God gently whispers his intentions for us, preparing us for what is coming; but other times he comes after our lives have taken a sharp turn and suddenly become unrecognizable. This was definitely Joseph's experience. Whatever he thought his life would be, it changed in the split second he learned Mary was pregnant. He had no angelic warning, no divine dreams, no preparation before hearing the news that instantly turned his life upside down. However long Joseph had to adjust to the news before the angel appeared, it was long enough for him to chart a new course - a quiet divorce. But God is gracious, and he is never late. He always comes, and at the right time. He speaks. He directs. He grants wisdom. And so he sends an angel to Joseph to give direction, instill confidence, and reveal the divine plan for Joseph's life.
        The angel says, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit." God understands the concerns Joseph has regarding Mary - and his whole life at this point, and offers assurance and perspective. He exhorts Joseph to not be afraid, to not stumble over all the "what ifs" running through his mind, but rather move forward in confidence and strength because it is the sovereign plan of God. The message to Joseph and to us is this: no matter how difficult or earth-shattering, no matter how perplexing or unexpected, no matter how exciting or terrifying, no matter how beautiful or unappealing they are, when the sovereign God is orchestrating circumstances in our lives to accomplish his good purpose, we do not need to fear. When we hear his voice challenging us to new heights of commitment, obedience, sacrifice and faith, we do not need to be afraid. When he alters the course of our lives and we are confronted with all the unknowns and uncertainty that comes from an unchartered path, we do not need to be anxious. Our God is good, and his plans are good. Our God is love, and his purposes are born out of his love for us. Our God is sovereign; he is the one in control and will accomplish all that he desires. Our God is generous, and he provides all that we need and more. Our God is eternal, and he has an eternal plan that he is fulfilling in us and through us. Joseph did not need to fear changing course and taking Mary home as his wife because what was conceived in her was from the Holy Spirit. We, likewise, do not need to be afraid when God alters our path, because it too is conceived of the Holy Spirit.